Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hey to all you bloggers out there, that ain't reading this, you don't know what your missing!

And hello to the cool people reading this, but i think you might want to stop NOW.

This was first written on a itty bitty piece of paper, while driving to Whangarei, a lil in Whangarei and the rest is from my head... I couldn't be bothered writing on the way back, it was too sunny.

Anyhow, packing was so slow!!! Packing all of the essentials then the not so essentials... not my fault that i wanted to take my psp, ipod nano, books or (not in this case) a small teddy bear to keep me company while i sleep in such a foreign enviroment. Unfortunately this small trip I went on isn't to some fawaway destination where no one understands you, It was to my Grandmum's home. Look out Granny!!! Here we come!!!
(If only i could say that... but i cant =[ she's in the car with us...)

Well we just went over the harbour bridge... Already good timing... Luckily.
I don't like being in the car too long... It will only be two hours... hopefully. I'm not gonna bore you with all the little stops we make... but we are stopping at Westfield Albany... A first for me!


Albany sure is big!!!
Well the WESTFIELD Albany is anyway. That was quite a long break, another hour and a half added on to the time getting up, and we aren't even half way yet. I thought it was supposed to take two hours to get to Whangarei but it is longer... I won't be surprised if there are lots of road works, making the trip take a lot longer.

Usually on trips, i read, but this time, I watch the passing scenery, the greenness of all the trees and tufts of grass. (WEIRD I KNOW) Plenty of hills, made of clay, and the endless road ahead. This trip has given me time to think. Thinking is a bad thing for me as this time i thought of intermediate... Two long years of liking one girl and she liked me... yet i didn't realize and only found out in year ten.

Another problem from thinking this time, is thinking of changing my favourite color. Green, it has so many shades, and to me represents life (see what happens when i look out windows?) but i can't change colors or jonathan will say he convinced me to like green. He is a "GREEN FREAK" and i've told him. Despite my efforts, i might have to start liking green...

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