Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mini Golf Youth

WOW, Youth was so much fun!
Mini golf somewhere far away in a desolate place... if only, it was in botany... go botany mini golf... Anyhow, i survived, but had a score at least ten points over par... gosh i suck at mini golf! And the stuffyness of it... had to drink something after... But Jonathan, the meanie, he won by four points, only four points!!! And i actually thought i had won! And after with the talk... go me with the marriage stuff! Like, the marriage vows! From a guy no less! But thanx guys for a great time at youth, even though i had a headache after... One week of the hols down, another boring week to go!
Hopefully I will finish my awesome story soon, which i will post here later...

Anyway i feel like someone old, cause i wanna go to bed!!!
At only 9.30 in the holidays!!!
If someone actually read this... i'm laughing at you... not much point, i'm not good like this as it seems like a diary, and in a way it is, just can't say if my heart has been broken or anything emotional, cause it'll bite me later!!

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