Thursday, October 22, 2009

A very short depressing story

*"They walked along, side by side underneath the shining stars.
*He was only walking her home from the movies but it meant everything to him.
*They stop at the bottom of her drive, both uncertain of what to say or do.
*He looks at her, and decides to just say what he feels 'I love you and despite you thinking
*that your not beautiful, your the brightest light that shines in my life
*beautiful doesn't even describe how you look to me... I've always wanted to say something
*but was too scared to'
*She shuffles closer and mutters 'i didn't know... i'm sorry that i didn't realize"
*They lean closer together and their lips touch ever so softly, only a teaser
*he leans back and smiles happily at her 'i've wanted to do that for too long' he laughs.
*He pulls her closer in and their lips meet once more, both of them feel a surge of happiness
*and they knew it was right, that they were meant to be.
*She shivers, and he realizes that she's cold and hands her, his jacket
*'Go on' he says 'i'll see you again soon' and he winks with a mischevious grin.
*He walks home with a skip in his step but meets his fate.
*A drunk driver hits him and keeps driving away.
*as he's on the cold hard road he thinks back to minutes ago.
*and smiles as his last thought is of that kiss beneath the stars"

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